Current Affairs For India & Rajasthan | Notes for Govt Job Exams


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Let’s first understand what is a Sentence ?
A sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself means when a set of words convey
something(Statement , question , command , idea) clearly , it is called as a sentence. The
basic part of any sentence is a Subject and a Predicate
Let’s understand what is a subject and predicate in sentence .
Important note
Usually ‘Subject’ comes before the’Predicate’ , as you can see in the above examples. But at
times, ‘Predicate’ comes before the ‘Subject’ in some kind of sentences. In the below examples
, Predicate (verb) is coming before the Subject :
1)Here comes Rita : Rita(subject) is coming after the verb/Predicate(comes)
2) Now comes the sound of the Movie: Here also subject is coming after predicate.
3)There appears to be large number of people who are supporting Manish.
Can you find out the error in this example 3 given here ?
The Error is in ”Appears” . Appear is the correct verb to use here. Because verb ‘appear’ here
is referring to ‘Large number of people’ . It is not referring to Manish according to the
sentence structure. So for’ Large number of people’ , Plural form of verb will be used.
Parts of Speech
In any language, parts of speech are the most important. In English Grammar , these are
called as the basic building blocks . Without the sound knowledge and understanding of the
parts of speech you can not proceed in reading English Properly or expressing yourself
correctly. No correct sentence can be formed without the proper knowledge of parts of
speech. English words are categorized into several types or parts of speech based on the use
and functions.There are eight parts of speech in English Language which are as follows :
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adjective
5. Adverb
6. Prepositions
7. Conjunctions
8. Interjections

Why Parts of Speech are important :
• Until and unless you are well acquaint with the Noun , Pronoun , Verb , Prepositions etc ,
you cannot command in English Language.
• Reading comprehension , Sentence connector , sentence correction Everything may improve
if you will be able to quickly distinguish subject from direct object and objects of preposition
• Parts of Speech refers to all words in the English language and how they can be grouped into
eight different categories, depending upon their function.

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