Current Affairs For India & Rajasthan | Notes for Govt Job Exams

RSMSSB TRA Syllabus 2023

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The candidates should go through the RSMSSB TRA Syllabus to prepare all the topics important from the exam point of view. They are advised to give equal importance to all the topics to clear the RSMSSB TRA Cut-Off marks decided by the board for the written exam. The table mentioned below shows the detailed syllabus for the reference of the candidates.

General EnglishActive and Passive Voice Tenses Transformation of Sentences Prepositions Sentence Correction Synonyms and Antonyms Prefix and Suffix Comprehension of a given passage Direct and Indirect Speech Articles and Determiners Translation of simple sentences from Hindi to English and vice versa Official terms Glossary One Word Substitution Confusable Words Letter Writing
General Hindiसंधि और संधि विच्छेद उपसर्ग पर्यायवाची शब्द अनेकार्थक शब्द संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण बनाना वाक्य – शुद्धि: अशुद्ध वाक्यों का शुद्धीकरण और वाक्यगत अशुद्धि का कारण क्रिया: सकर्मक, आक्रमक और पूर्वकालिक क्रियाएँ लोकोक्तियाँ सामाजिक पदों की रचना और समाज-विग्रह प्रत्यय शब्द – युग्म शब्द – शुद्धि: अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धीकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण वाच्य: कर्तृवाच्य, कर्मवाच्य और भाववाच्य प्रयोग वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द समानार्थक हिन्दी शब्द
General Knowledge of RajasthanArt and Culture of Rajasthan History of Rajasthan Heritage of Rajasthan Geography of Rajasthan Administration and Governance of Rajasthan Economy of Rajasthan Events of National and International Importance related to Rajasthan
MathematicsNatural Numbers Arithmetic operations on real numbers Rational numbers and their decimal expansions Irrational numbers and their decimal expansion  Profit and loss Ratio and proportion Time, Speed and distance Time and work Percentage Simple and compound interest Data collection, presentation, and graphical representation  Central tendency measurement Mean, median, and mode of ungrouped and grouped data
Everyday SciencePhysical and Chemical Reactions Metals and Non-Metals Chloro-Fluoro Carbon Soap and Detergent Pesticides Refraction Vision Defects and their Correction Oxidation and Reduction Reactions Hydrocarbons Compressed Natural Gas Laws of Reflection Types of Lenses Electric Current Electrical Cell Electric Connection in Houses Space Science Uses Information Technology Electric Current Uses Electric Generator Working of Household Electrical Appliances What is Remote Sensing Technology and What are its Uses? Components of Environment Food Chain Nitrogen Cycle Bio-Patents Test Tube Baby Structure of Ecosystem Food Web Biotechnology Stem Cell Artificial Insemination Cloning Apiculture Fishery Dairy Industry Pulses Fruits Blood Grouping Rh Factor Pathogen and Human Health  Malnutrition Seri-culture Poultry Vegetables Medicinal Plant Blood Transfusion Pollution Effects on Human Health Intoxication and Human Health Immunity Types of Diseases Thalassemia Bio-Manure Crop Rotation Vaccination Hemophilia National Health Program Vermicompost Plant Disease Control
Basics of ComputerInput/Output Devices PORTs Managing Files & Folders Formatting Memory Windows Explorer  Setup & Accessories Creating CD/DVD Menu Bars Text Formatting Slide Designs Page Layout Managing Documents & Presentations Table Manipulations Animations Printing Spreadsheets Using the Internet and Writing emails
Business MethodsScope and Objectives of Business Business Ethics Business and its Social Responsibilities Forms of Business Organisations Negotiable Instruments Entrepreneurship Advertising Human resource Discipline Business Finance and its Sources Consumer Rights and its Protection Communication Coordination 
General Financial and Accounting Rules – Part 1Fundamental Rules & Procedures Governing Store Purchases Delegation of financial powers to various officers subordinate to Govt. 
Rajasthan Service Rules Vol. 1 Rajasthan Civil Service Joining Times Rules, 1981Rajasthan Service Rules Vol. 1 (Chapter II, III, X, Xl, Xlll, XIV, XV & XVI) Rajasthan Civil Service Joining Times Rules, 1981 VI G.F. & A.R. – Pt. I (Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 14 and 17)
Indian EconomicsIndian Economy Population Explosion Industrial Growth and its Prospects in India Role of the Public sector in India and its problems Role of Multinational corporations in Indian economy National Income Economic planning in India Eleventh Five Year Plan Role of agriculture in Indian economy Agriculture Financing Agriculture Marketing Trends Inflation Impact of Liberalisation and Globalisation on Industry and Agriculture Foreign Trade Economy of Rajasthan
AuditingAuditing Internal Control Rights, Duties, and Liabilities of Company Auditor Audit Reports and Audit Certificates Vouching Valuation and verification of assets and liabilities Audit of Government Companies
Book-keeping and AccountancyAccounting Bank reconciliation statement preparation Accounting for depreciation Single entry system Insurance claims Accounting process Error Rectification Receipts and payments account Balance Sheet Income and Expenditure Account Partnership accounts

RSMSSB TRA Exam Pattern 2023

Candidates will be better able to comprehend the exam in detail if they are familiar with the RSMSSB TRA Exam Pattern 2023, which includes the exam format, duration, number of parts, and marking scheme. The RSMSSB TRA exam pattern for the written exam is discussed below in detail:

  • The exam will be objective in nature
  • This test will consist of two papers.
  • Each paper will be worth a total of 450 points.
  • There will be 150 questions in each paper.
  • Each question will be worth 3 marks.
  • Both the papers will be 2.5 hours long.
  • There is a 0.33 point deduction for each incorrect answer.


SubjectNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Hindi25752.30 hours
Daily Science2575
Fundamentals of Computer2575
General Knowledge (Related to Rajasthan)2575
Total1504502.30 hours


SubjectNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
Rajasthan Service Rules Vol 1 Rajasthan Civil Service Joining Times Rules, 198125752.30 hours
Business Methods2575
General Financial and Accounting Rules- Part 12575
Indian Economics2575
Bookkeeping and Accountancy2575
Total1504502.30 hours

Document Verification

Once the candidates clear the written test, they will be called in for the document verification round. The candidates are required to submit the original documents for verification. The following documents are required for verification:

  • Identity proof
  • Reserved category certificate (If applicable)
  • Education qualification certificates
  • Domicile certificate

RSMSSB TRA 2023 – Preparation Strategy

The RSMSSB TRA exam is one of the competitive exams in the state. Candidates should devise the best strategy and follow the right books during the preparation. Here are some tips to ace the RSMSSB TRA recruitment written exam.

  • Before beginning their preparation, candidates should review the RSMSSB TRA Syllabus. 
  • Follow a detailed schedule and keep to it until the entire recruitment process is completed.
  • Solve prior year’s question papers to get a better understanding of the exam pattern and the types of questions that will be asked.
  • Develop the habit of reviewing all of your notes to ensure that you remember all of the crucial details for a long time.
  • To perform well on the exam, take practice tests to improve your question-solving speed and accuracy, as well as to discover your strengths and shortcomings. You can also increase your preparation by enrolling in the Testbook Free Live Tests & Quizzes.

Best Books for the RSMSSB TRA Exam Preparation 2023

Out of the various RSMSSB TRA Books available, candidates should be vigilant enough to select the right ones. Here is the list of best books recommended for the candidates to ace the exam.

SubjectBook NameAuthor/Publication
General KnowledgeManorama Year BookMammen Mathew
General EnglishWren & Martin English Grammar and CompositionDr. N.D.V Prasad Rao
MathematicsShortcuts in Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive ExamDisha Publications
Daily ScienceGeneral Science for Competitive ExamsDisha Experts
HindiSamanya HindiLucent
Fundamentals of ComputerComputer KnowledgeShikha Agarwal

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