Rajasthan Junior Accountant Syllabus 2023
Organization Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board, Jaipur
Post Name Junior Accountant & Tehsil Revenue Accountant
Vacancies 5388
Category Govt. Jobs
Application Mode Online
Registration Dates 27th June to 26th July 2023
Selection Process
Shortlisting on the basis of Rajasthan CET-2022
Mains Written Exam
Document Verification
Medical Examination
Official Website https://rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in/
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Syllabus 2023: Paper I
The RPSC Junior Accountant Syllabus for Paper I has been discussed below. The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Paper I Syllabus 2023 includes six subjects, Science, Hindi, Mathematics, English, General Knowledge, and Computer. Get the complete Rajasthan Junior Accountant Syllabus 2023 from the table given below.
RPSC Junior Accountant Syllabus for Paper I
Subjects Topics
General Science
Physical and Chemical Reactions, oxidation and reduction reactions, metals and non-metals
Chloro-Fluoro Carbon (CFC)
types of Lenses,
Defects of vision and their corrections.
Electric current,
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Soap and Detergent Pesticides,
Reflection of light and its laws, examples of refraction,
Electric cell, Electric generator,
Electric connection arrangement in houses.
Working of house-hold electrical appliances.
Uses of space science,
Remote Sensing Technique and its uses.
Information Technology.
Environment – Components (Atmosphere, Lithosphere, and Hydrosphere),
Pathogen and human health, Intoxicant, and human health,
Mal-nutrition and human health.
Immunity, Vaccination, Types of diseases,
Ecosystem-structure. Food chain,
Food-web, Nitrogen cycle.
General information about – Bio-technology, Bio-patents, Stem cell, Cloning, Test Tube baby, Artificial insemination.
Apiculture, Seri-culture, Fishery, Poultry, Dairy industry,
Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables, Fruits, Medicinal plants.
Hemophilia Color blindness, National Health Programmed, Manures – Bio-manure, Vermicompost.
Blood group, Blood transfusion,
RH factor, Human Health, and Pollution
सामाजिक पदों की रचना और समाज-विग्रह
क्रिया : सकर्मक, आक्रमक और पूर्वकालिक क्रियाएँ
संधि और संधि विच्छेद
अनेकार्थक शब्द
शब्द – युग्म
समानार्थक हिन्दी शब्द
संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण बनाना
पर्यायवाची शब्द
विपरीतार्थक (विलोम) शब्द
शब्द – शुद्धि : अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धीकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण
वाक्य – शुद्धि : अशुद्ध वाक्यों का शुद्धीकरण और वाक्यगत अशुद्धि का कारण
वाच्य: कर्तृवाच्य, कर्मवाच्य और भाववाच्य प्रयोग
वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द
General Knowledge of Rajasthan
History, culture, art, literature, and heritage of Rajasthan
Geography of Rajasthan
Rajasthan’s Politics
Economy of Rajasthan
Miscellaneous events of the state
Basics of Computer
Introduction to Computer & Windows: Input/output Devices, Memory, PORTs, Windows Explorer
Menu, Managing Files & Folders, Setup & Accessories, Formatting, Creating CD/DVD.
Word Processing & Presentations: Menu Bars, Managing Documents & Presentations, Text Formatting,
Table Manipulations, Slide Designs, Animations, Page Layout, Printing.
Spreadsheets: Excel Menu Bar, Entering Data, Basic Formulae & Inbuilt Functions, Cell & Text
Formatting, Navigating, Charts, Page Setup, Printing, SpreadSheets for Accounting.
Working with Internet and emails: Web Browsing & Searching, Downloading & Uploading, Managing
an Email Account, e-Banking.
Natural numbers
Profit and loss
Simple interest & compound interest
Time and distance
Operations on real numbers
Laws of exponents for real numbers
Rational and irrational numbers and their decimal expansions
Rational numbers and their decimal expansions
Ratio and proportion
Time and speed
A measure of central tendency
Mean, mode, the median of ungrouped & grouped data
Work and time
Collection of data
presentation of data
Graphical representation of data
Direct and Indirect Speech
Articles and Determiners
Forming new words by using prefixes and suffixes
Glossary of official, Technical Terms
Translation of Simple (Ordinary/Common) Sentences
Transformation of Sentences: Assertive to Negative, Interrogative, Exclamatory and vice-versa
Confusable words
Degrees of Adjectives
Connectives and words wrongly used.
One word substitution
Active and Passive
Comprehension of a given passage
Correction of sentences including subject
Verb Agreement
Writing letters: Official, Tenders, Demo Official, Circulars and Notices,
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Syllabus 2023: Paper II
The RPSC Junior Accountant Syllabus for Paper II has been discussed below. The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Paper I Syllabus 2023 includes Business methods, bookkeeping, and accounting, Rajasthan Service Rules Vol 1, Indian Economics, and Auditing. Get the complete Rajasthan Junior Accountant Syllabus 2023 from the table given below.
RPSC Junior Accountant Syllabus for Paper II
Subject Topics
Book keeping and Accountancy
Accounting – meaning, nature, functions, and usefulness, types of accounting, accounting equation, generally accepted accounting principles, concepts, and conventions.
Accounting process: journals and ledger leading to the preparation of trial balance and preparation of final accounts with adjustments.
Preparation of bank reconciliation statement.
Rectification of errors.
Accounting for depreciation – need, significance, and methods of providing depreciation.
Receipts and payments account and income and expenditure account and balance sheet.
Single entry system – Preparation of accounts from incomplete records.
Partnership accounts :
(i) Fundamentals – capital-fixed and fluctuating, adjustments for change in profit sharing ratios, revaluation of assets, and treatment of goodwill.
(ii) Reconstitution of the firm – Admission, Retirement, and Death of a partner, including treatment of life policy.
Insurance claims.
Business Methods
Business:- Introduction, scope, and objectives; Business Ethics and social responsibilities of business.
Forms of Business Organisations:- Sole proprietorship, partnership, and company. Entrepreneurship:- Concept, importance, and causes of low development of entrepreneurship in India
Negotiable Instruments:- Meaning, and types Sources of Business Finance.
Advertising:- Meaning, importance, and methods.
Consumer rights and protection against exploitation.
Human resource planning, recruitment, selection and training.
Communication – process, barriers, and suggestions to overcome barriers.
Discipline – Causes, and suggestions for effective discipline.
Coordination – Importance and principles
Auditing: meaning, objectives, types of audit, planning and procedures, audit program, working papers, test checking, routine checking.
Vouching: concepts, importance, and procedures.
Internal Control: meaning, objectives, internal check, and internal audit.
Valuation and verification of assets and liabilities.
Rights, Duties, and Liabilities of Company Auditor.
Audit of Government Companies.
Audit Reports and Audit Certificates
Indian Economy
Indian Economy – Features, and problems, Economic policy, Industrial policy and Fiscal policy of India.
Meaning, objectives, and importance of economic planning in India. Basic features of the Eleventh Five Year Plan.
Population Explosion–Causes, effects, and remedies. The relation between population and economic growth.
Role and significance of agriculture in Indian economy. Sources of agriculture finance and recent trends in agriculture marketing.
Industrial growth and prospects in India.
Inflation – Causes, effects and remedies.
Role and problems of the Public sector in India.
Impact of globalization and liberalization on agriculture and industry.
Role of Multinational Corporations in the Indian economy.
Foreign Trade – Volume, composition, and direction.
National Income – Concept, computation methods, and distribution.
The economy of Rajasthan – Basic features, development, and prospects of agriculture, industry, and tourism.
Rajasthan Services Rules 1981 Vol 1 Chapter- 2,3,10,11,13,14,15&16.
G.F. and A.R. – Part 1 Chapter- 1,2,3,4,5,6,14,17.
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023
The candidates can go through the Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023. The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 helps the candidates to know more about the number of questions, maximum marks, and duration of the exam. The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 has been given in the table below for Paper I and Paper II.
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023: Paper I
The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 Paper I has 25 questions in each section. The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 has been discussed in the table given below.
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 Paper I
Subject Number of Questions Marks Duration
Hindi 25 75 2:30 Hours
General Computer 25 75
Rajasthan GK 25 75
General Science 25 75
Mathematics 25 75
English 25 75
Total 150 450 –
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023: Paper II
The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 Paper II has 25 questions in each section. The Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 has been discussed in the table given below.
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Exam Pattern 2023 Paper II
Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
Rajasthan Service Rules Vol. 1 Rajasthan Civil Service Joining Times Rules, 1981 25 75 2:30 Hours
Business Methods 25 75
G.F. and A.R. – Part 1 25 75
Indian Economics 25 75
Bookkeeping and Accountancy 25 75
Auditing 25 75
Total 150 450 –
Rajasthan Junior Accountant Weightage 2023
The candidates can find the complete section-wise weightage of Rajasthan Junior Accountant 2023 in the table given below.
Rajasthan Junior Accountant 2023: Weightage
Sections Maximum Marks
Hindi 75
General Computer 75
Rajasthan GK 75
General Science 75
Mathematics 75
English 75
Total 450