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Phrases and Clauses

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Phases and clause holds a major significance in English Grammar. Most of the times in
examination the errors are in the phrase and clause of the sentence.
First let’s understand Phrases :
A phrase is a group of words which stand together as a single unit. The phrase may have a
noun , but it does not have a subject doing a verb(action) . Because a phrase does not contain
a subject doing a verb , so it can’t convey a complete message. Look at the below examples :
1. A ten foot long flag
2. Moving behind a car
3. The lost puppy
As you can see , above statements are not conveying any complete thought or idea. Hence
they all are phrases.
There are many types of phrases which are :
1. Noun Phrases: A noun phrase contains noun and the words which modify that noun , for
example : A sick little boy
2. Verb Phrase: A verb phrase is one which contains verb and it’s modifiers . for example :
He was eager to know the story
3. Infinitive Phrase : An infinitive phrase is a noun phrase that begins with an infinitive. for
example , I went to Kerela to explore new places.
4. Prepositional Phrases : A phrase which begins with a preposition and can act as a noun,
an adjective or an adverb , is known as a Prepositional Phrase. For example : It rained for a
As you can see examples above (bold part) are not conveying any complete thought. Now
let’s see some of the common errors of Phrases :
1- I am looking forward to seeing you soon. (Incorrect)
I’m looking forward to see you soon. (Correct)

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