Some previous year questions asked in CTET Exams are listed below:
(a) Find the Units Place in (567)98 + (258)33 + (678)67
(b) What will come in Units Place in (657)85 – (158)37
These questions can be time-consuming for those students who are unaware of the fact that there are shortcut methods for solving such questions.
Finding the Unit Digit of Powers of 2
First of all, divide the Power of 2 by 4.
If you get any remainder, put it as the power of 2 and get the result using the below-given table.
If you don’t get any remainder after dividing the power of 2 by 4, your answer will be (2)4 which always gives 6 as the remainder.
Finding the Unit Digit of Powers of 4 & 9
In the case of 4 & 9, if powers are Even, the result will be 6 & 4. However, when their powers are Odd, the result will be 1 & 9. The same is depicted below.
If the Power of 4 is Even, the result will be 6
If the Power of 4 is Odd, the result will be 4
If the Power of 9 is Even, the result will be 1
If the Power of 9 is Odd, the result will be 9.
For Example –
(9)84 = 1
(9)21 = 9
(4)64 = 6
(4)63 = 4